Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hi there guys
I just want to apologist to every one or maybe I should start by thanking you first for your support in this journey. Its gonna be a hard one as I came to find. The reason that I'm apologizing is because Ive not got my past right not that Ive lied to you but some facts are in the wrong place. So I want to start again to get it right if that's OK with you.

I'm starting with my mother just to give you the same picture I'm getting putting this journey together.

My mother (Carrol Ann Jansen) was born in cape town and left at the hospital with a address of her farther on a piece of paper. Her mother was domestic at a place in sea point and got involve with the boss and that's how my mother came to be. my mother then lived with her farther for 3 years and then her mothers family decided to come and fetch her. she then grew up in goetverwagth just out side piketberg. My mothers mother never was there so her grandparents raised her in a very abusive home. Got sexually abused by her granddad and swept under the carpet. being the Cinderella of the house she grew up hating her family. Every one in the family at that time became teachers and it was destined for her also to go that route. In her last year AT TEACHERS SCHOOL she fell pregnant with my oldest sister and the family felt disgraced and would not allow her to finish her final exam. She then became the unqualified teacher in the family. She then didn't want to go back home after my sister got born and came to live with her aunt in grassy park next to my farther.

Ill finish here cause I'm getting to angry

till next time

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